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반주부 2008. 8. 22. 13:35

The most beautiful CG girl #2

In the past year we provide similar competition, named "The most beautiful CG girl". It has caused the big interest of our visitors. Now we have decided to run it again.

Ladys and Gentlemans welcome to The most beautiful CG girl competition #2.

All images displayed on this page are copyright the original artists and may not be reproduced, copied or published elsewhere without their express permission!

Hue Character Vampirella Office
Title: Hue
Name: Kim Hyong Jun
Country: Korea (South)
Software: 3DS Max, Brazil, HDR Shop, Photoshop
Number: 1
Title: Inae
Name: Olivier Ponsonnet
Country: France
Software: 3DS Max
Number: 2
Title: Vampirella
Name: Daniel Moreno
Country: Espana
Software: 3DS Max, Photoshop, VRay, ZBrush
Number: 3
Title: Office Girl
Name: Andrew Hickinbottom
Country: United Kingdom
Software: 3DS Max
Number: 4
Psycho I Beauty Pink
Title: Psycho Girlfriend
Name: Steven Stahlberg
Country: Malaysia
Software: Maya, Photoshop
Number: 5
Title: I Need New Glasses...
Name: Julien Vanhoenacker
Country: France
Software: 3DS Max, After Effects, VRay
Number: 6
Title: Beauty Monica
Name: Mihai Anghelescu
Country: Romania
Software: 3DS Max
Number: 7
Title: Pink Sugar
Name: Olivier Ponsonnet
Country: France
Software: 3DS Max
Number: 8
The Alyx Asian A
Title: The Flan
Name: Pietri Marc
Country: France
Software: 3DS Max, SOFTIMAGE|XSI
Number: 9
Title: Alyx Pacing
Name: Ryan Mccalla
Country: Australia
Software: 3DS Max, HDR Shop, mental ray, Photoshop
Number: 10
Title: Asian Beauty
Name: Nathalie Lial
Country: France
Software: Photoshop, Poser
Number: 11
Title: A Girl
Name: Zhou Yan Jie
Country: China
Software: Painter
Number: 12
My Elf Ayahi Ohayo
Title: My Little Arsonist
Name: Charli Siebert
Country: USA
Software: Poser
Number: 13
Title: Elf
Name: Bao Junsheng
Country: China
Software: Maya, Photoshop
Number: 14
Title: Ayahi Monster
Name: Chan Ying Hol
Country: Malaysia
Software: Photoshop
Number: 15
Title: Ohayo!
Name: Dmitry Popov
Country: Russia
Software: OpenCanvas 3.06
Number: 16
Nacre Angel Girl Maiden
Title: Nacre
Name: Eva Soulu
Country: Russia
Software: Painter
Number: 17
Title: Angel
Name: Song Yuefeng
Country: China
Software: 3DS Max 5.1
Number: 18
Title: Girl in a Room
Name: Marc Tan
Country: --
Software: 3DS Max, Photoshop
Number: 19
Title: Maiden With Sword
Name: Zhan Miye
Country: China
Software: Painter, Photoshop
Number: 20
Gabriel Pet Maxim
Title: Gabriel
Name: Anne Tsao
Country: Belize
Software: Painter
Number: 21
Title: Fairchild
Name: Sean Ellery
Country: Australia
Software: Photoshop
Number: 22
Title: Pet
Name: Lukas Jevcak
Country: Slovakia
Software: Maya, Painter, Photoshop
Number: 23
Title: Maxim Cyberbabe
Name: Liam Kemp
Country: --
Software: 3DS Max, Brazil, Photoshop
Number: 24
She Pirate Dragon Simone
Title: She came to me one morning
Name: Dawid Lubryka
Country: Poland
Software: 3DS Max 6, Brazil, Photoshop
Number: 25
Title: Pirate
Name: Tianqi Wu
Country: China
Software: 3DS Max 6, Brazil
Number: 26
Title: Dragon Attack
Name: Narozhny Dmitry
Country: Russia
Software: Painter, Photoshop
Number: 27
Title: Simone Linsell Fairy
Name: Edward Draper
Country: United Kingdom
Software: Photoshop
Number: 28
awakening Track Laura Portrait
Title: "awakening Beauty"
Name: Corey Knaebel
Country: USA
Software: Photoshop
Number: 29
Title: Track Day
Name: Olli Sorjonen
Country: Filand
Software: 3DS Max
Number: 30
Title: Laura
Name: Christopher Arnold
Country: --
Software: 3DS Max, Photoshop
Number: 31
Title: Portrait
Name: Julio Cid
Country: --
Software: 3DS Max, Brazil
Number: 32
Tomb Freedom Temptation The
Title: Tomb raider
Name: Chun Sea June
Country: Korea
Software: 3DS Max 5, Photoshop
Number: 33
Title: Freedom Love And Happiness
Name: Valentin Fischer
Country: Germany
Software: Photoshop
Number: 34
Title: Temptation
Name: Liuba Zelinskaya
Country: Moldova
Software: Photoshop
Number: 35
Title: The Ice Faerie
Name: Debbie Overstreet
Country: USA
Software: Photoshop
Number: 36
Amelia Suzan Elene Woman
Title: Amelia
Name: Alexander Leung
Country: USA
Software: 3DS Max 5.1, Shag Hair, Photoshop
Number: 37
Title: Suzan
Name: Mike Toptygin
Country: Russia
Software: 3DS Max 5.1
Number: 38
Title: Elene
Name: Soa Lee
Country: --
Software: 3DS Max 5.1
Number: 39
Title: Woman
Name: Cosentino Cyril Shaolin2k
Country: --
Software: Maya, Mental ray
Number: 40
Slipped Spectre Close Nude
Title: Slipped lady
Name: Riyaz Ahamed
Country: --
Software: Maya, Photoshop
Number: 41
Title: Spectre
Name: Realitydetached
Country: --
Software: 3DS Max
Number: 42
Title: Close Up
Name: Realitydetached
Country: --
Software: 3DS Max
Number: 43
Title: Nude
Name: Soa Lee
Country: Korea (South)
Software: 3DS Max, Photoshop
Number: 44
Boracay Sentimental Sofia 20th
Title: Boracay Venus
Name: Soa Lee
Country: Korea (South)
Software: 3DS Max, Photoshop
Number: 45
Title: Sentimental look
Name: Soa Lee
Country: Korea (South)
Software: 3DS Max, Photoshop
Number: 46
Title: Sofia
Name: Mystic9D
Country: --
Number: 47
Title: 20th Hollywood Lighting
Name: Soa Lee
Country: Korea (South)
Software: 3DS Max, Photoshop
Number: 48
Christmas Nana People Dowager
Title: Christmas Present
Name: Soa Lee
Country: Korea (South)
Software: 3DS Max, Photoshop
Number: 49
Title: Nana
Name: Nicolas Leblanc
Country: France
Software: 3DS Max, Photoshop
Number: 50
Title: People Will Never Fly
Name: K'-
Country: Russia
Software: Photoshop, Painter 9
Number: 51
Title: Dowager
Name: Jiri Adamec
Country: --
Software: 3DS Max 7
Number: 52
Walini Atalanta Rose Girl
Title: Walini
Name: Rafi Adrian Z
Country: --
Software: 3DS Max
Number: 53
Title: Atalanta's Proposal
Name: Bryan Eppihimer
Country: USA
Software: Softimage XSI
Number: 54
Title: Rose
Name: Tianqi Wu
Country: China
Software: 3DS Max 6, Brazil
Number: 55
Title: Girl in trouble
Name: Felician Lepadatu
Country: Italy
Software: Maya
Number: 56
The Boxing Maria Keeper
Title: The smile
Name: Addy
Country: --
Software: Poser4, Photoshop6
Number: 57
Title: Boxing Club
Name: 3dstrike
Country: France
Software: Poser 4, Photoshop 5, Cinema 4D 7
Number: 58
Title: Maria-2
Name: J Jureczko
Country: Poland
Software: 3DS Max, Photoshop
Number: 59
Title: Keeper Of The Cats
Name: Prog
Country: --
Software: Bryce 5, Photoshop 5, Poser 4
Number: 60


Maria Mia Pia Sandra
Title: Maria
Name: Robert Kuczera
Country: Germany
Software: Maya, Photoshop
Title: Mia
Name: Robert Kuczera
Country: Germany
Software: Maya, Photoshop
Title: Pia
Name: Robert Kuczera
Country: Germany
Software: Maya, Photoshop
Title: Sandra
Name: Robert Kuczera
Country: Germany
Software: Maya, Photoshop
Grand Biker    
Title: Grand prize
Name: Brian Life
Country: Germany
Software: Photoshop
Title: Biker
Name: Andrea Bertaccini
Country: Italy
Software: 3DS Max, Combustion


The most beautiful CG girl #3


All images displayed on this page are copyright the original artists and may not be reproduced, copied or published elsewhere without their express permission! << We have the sanction of authors to the publication of artworks >>

Maria Mia Pia Sandra
Title: Maria
Name: Robert Kuczera
Country: Germany
Software: Maya, Photoshop
Number: 1
Title: Mia
Name: Robert Kuczera
Country: Germany
Software: Maya, Photoshop
Number: 2
Title: Pia
Name: Robert Kuczera
Country: Germany
Software: Maya, Photoshop
Number: 3
Title: Sandra
Name: Robert Kuczera
Country: Germany
Software: Maya, Photoshop
Number: 4
Grand Biker In Memory
Title: Grand prize
Name: Brian Life
Country: Germany
Software: Photoshop
Number: 5
Title: Biker
Name: Andrea Bertaccini
Country: Italy
Software: 3DS Max, Combustion
Number: 6
Title: In Abaaya
Name: Waheed Nasir
Country: Pakistan
Software: Artrage
Number: 7
Title: Memory Lane
Name: Waheed Nasir
Country: Pakistan
Software: Artrage
Number: 8
Dragon Equilibrium Fly Golden
Title: Dragon caller
Name: Henning Ludvigsen
Country: Norway
Software: Photoshop CS2
Number: 9
Title: Equilibrium
Name: Henning Ludvigsen
Country: Norway
Software: Photoshop CS2
Number: 10
Title: Fly with me
Name: Henning Ludvigsen
Country: Norway
Software: Photoshop CS2
Number: 11
Title: Golden talon
Name: Henning Ludvigsen
Country: Norway
Software: Photoshop CS2
Number: 12
Mistess Order The The
Title: Mistess and servant
Name: Henning Ludvigsen
Country: Norway
Software: Photoshop CS2
Number: 13
Title: Order
Name: Henning Ludvigsen
Country: Norway
Software: Photoshop CS2
Number: 14
Title: The ascend
Name: Henning Ludvigsen
Country: Norway
Software: Photoshop CS2
Number: 15
Title: The descent
Name: Henning Ludvigsen
Country: Norway
Software: Photoshop CS2
Number: 16
The The The Work
Title: The halo thief
Name: Henning Ludvigsen
Country: Norway
Software: Photoshop CS2
Number: 17
Title: The widow
Name: Henning Ludvigsen
Country: Norway
Software: Photoshop CS2
Number: 18
Title: The wrapture
Name: Henning Ludvigsen
Country: Norway
Software: Photoshop CS2
Number: 19
Title: Work at cloud five
Name: Henning Ludvigsen
Country: Norway
Software: Photoshop CS2
Number: 20
The The Summer Too
Title: The soulcollector
Name: Natascha Roeoesli
Country: Switzerland
Software: Photoshop
Number: 21
Title: The Wax-Dragon
Name: Natascha Roeoesli
Country: Switzerland
Software: Photoshop
Number: 22
Title: Summer
Name: Natascha Roeoesli
Country: Switzerland
Software: Photoshop
Number: 23
Title: Too sweet
Name: Natascha Roeoesli
Country: Switzerland
Software: Photoshop
Number: 24
Ash Larisa Paradise Cassandra
Title: Ash
Name: Shashank Mehta
Country: India
Software: Photoshop
Number: 25
Title: Larisa
Name: Olga Antonenko
Country: Russia
Software: Photoshop, Painter
Number: 26
Title: Paradise Babe
Name: Hazem Mahmoud
Country: Egypt
Software: Poser 6 , Vue 5 Infinite
Number: 27
Title: Cassandra the Sandman's Daughter
Name: Charles Malone
Country: United States
Software: Photoshop
Number: 28
From Becky BEENPOD Light
Title: From The Darkness, A Light
Name: Andrew Treherne
Country: United Kingdom
Software: Photoshop
Number: 29
Title: Becky
Name: Gaurav Saxena
Country: India
Software: 3DS Max, Photoshop
Number: 30
Name: Wang Xiaoyu
Country: China
Software: MAYA , MentalRay
Number: 31
Title: Light ?
Name: Robert Mekis
Country: Czech Republic
Software: Photoshop, no ref
Number: 32
Blood Portia Snow Gerda
Title: Blood Lust
Name: Sobolev Max
Country: Kazakhstan
Software: Photoshop CS, Maya
Number: 33
Title: Portia
Name: Joanna Konstantinea
Country: Greece
Software: poser, Photoshop,painter
Number: 34
Title: Snow Queen
Name: Joanna Konstantinea
Country: Greece
Software: Photoshop, painter
Number: 35
Title: Gerda
Name: Joanna Konstantinea
Country: Greece
Software: Photoshop,Painter
Number: 36
Angelina Yuka Summer Flight
Title: Angelina Jolie
Name: Alex Stratulat
Country: Moldova
Software: Softimage XSI
Number: 37
Title: Yuka
Name: Lukasz Szeflinski
Country: Poland
Software: Adobe Photoshop CS2
Number: 38
Title: Summer
Name: Ammar Almakzumi
Country: Costa Rica
Software: 3DS Max, Photoshop
Number: 39
Title: Flight of thought
Name: Haralds Bukshs
Country: Latvia
Software: 3DS Max, Photoshop
Number: 40
Girl Valley N Prada
Title: Girl
Author: Rubens
Software: XSI5.0 and Phtoshop
Number: 41

Title: Valley of Peace
Name: Pedro Ramos
Country: Portugal
Software: 3ds Max, Vray, Daz 3d, Photoshop
Number: 42

Title: N of Natalie
Name: Ramiro Amilcar Fernandez
Country: Argentina
Software: 3DS Max 8, Photoshop.
Number: 43
Title: Prada Woman
Name: David Cathro
Country:United Kingdom
Software: Photoshop.
Number: 44
Springtime Demi Cassandra Fantasy
Title: Springtime
Name: Andrey Goncharov
Country: Russia
Software: LightWave, Photoshop
Number: 45
Title: Demi Moore
Name: Neville D'souza
Country: India
Software: Photoshop 7
Number: 46
Title: Cassandra Verschonuan
Name: Lumin8 aka Chad Andres
Country: United States
Software: MakeHuman, Zbrush, Poser6, Terragen, Daz|Studio
Number: 47
Title: Fantasy Dream Girl
Name: Hazem Mahmoud
Country: Egypt
Software: 3DS Max 8, Daz Studio1, Photoshop 9 cs2
Number: 48
Model VICTORIANA February Sultry
Title: Model
Name: Jan Jureczko
Country: Poland
Software: 3DS Max, Photoshop
Number: 49
Name: T.Mattock.
Country: United Kingdom.
Software: used: Poser 4,photoshop
Number: 50
Title: February Tears
Name: Lumin8
Country: United States
Software: MakeHuman, Zbrush, Poser6, Daz|Studio, Photoshop CS2
Number: 51
Title: Sultry Rhona
Name: Joe Dixon
Country: USA
Software: Poser, Carrara 5 Pro, Paintshop Pro
Number: 52
Siberia Lisa Portia2 Lady
Title: Siberia
Name: Sergei Pleshkov
Country: Russia
Software: Photoshop CS2
Number: 53
Title: Lisa
Name: Roman Kolesnikov
Country: Russia
Software: 3DS Max
Number: 54
Title: Portia2
Name: Joanna Konstantinea
Country: Greece
Software: poser, Photoshop, painter
Number: 55
Title: Lady in Blue
Name: David Pérez
Country: Colombia
Software: 3DS Max, Photoshop
Number: 56
Mariana Peacock T Ledy
Title: Mariana
Name: Hazem Mahmoud
Country: Egypt
Software: 3DS Max8, Photoshop cs2, poser6, vue5 infinite
Number: 57
Title: Peacock Lady
Name: Zahid Pervaiz Qureshi
Country: Pakistan
Software: Maya, Photoshop
Number: 58
Title: T-Head
Name: Roberto Pauli
Country: Italy
Software: Maya, MaxwellRender
Number: 59
Title: Ledy in red
Name: Ogleznev Denis
Country: Russia
Software: Adobe Illustrator 10
Number: 60
Project Young Infernal SangYeng
Title: Project SS6
Name: Mike Desantis
Country: USA
Software: Lightwave
Number: 61
Title: Young Adrea
Name: Joe Dixon
Country: USA
Software: Poser/Carrara 5 Pro
Number: 62
Title: Infernal Girl
Name: Alexey Kuznetsov
Country: Russia
Software: Softimage XSI, Photoshop
Number: 63
Title: SangYeng
Name: Rebeca Puebla
Country: Spain
Software: Softimage XSI 4.0, Photoshop CS
Number: 64
Jessica MOON Mystery Vollyball
Title: Jessica
Name: Marco Lorenzetti
Country: Italy
Software: Lightwave 3d
Number: 65
Name: Wang Xiaoyu
Country: China
Software: MAYA, MentalRay
Number: 66
Title: Mystery
Name: Scott Luttrell
Country: Texas
Software: Poser6
Number: 67
Title: Vollyball
Name: Randy Chen
Country: USA
Software: Photoshop
Number: 68
Rare Vacate MyLove Soul
Title: Rare Beauties: A Homage to Overbeck
Name: Alicia Jackson-Moore
United States
Software: Dazstudio, Photoshop
Number: 69
Title: Vacate My Lands
Name: Cheryl Conley
Country: United States
Software: Poser 5, Photoshop
Number: 70
Title: MyLove
Name: Hossein Ali Mazloom
Country: IRAN
Software: 3DS Max, Photoshop
Number: 71
Title: Soul Dancer
Name: Svetlin Velinov
Country: Bulgaria
Software: Photoshop
Number: 72
Europa Red Moon  
Title: Europa
Name: Soa Lee
Korea (South)
Software: 3ds max, Photoshop
Number: 73
Title: Red Opium
Olivier Ponsonnet
Software: 3ds max
Number: 74
Title: Moon Key
Olivier Ponsonnet
Software: 3ds max
Number: 75

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